At Paralysis Nutrition, we specialize in providing targeted nutrition solutions for individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI) and paralysis.
Achieve stress-free bowel management with our Poop Easy with Paralysis Course, created specifically for those with neurogenic bowel and paralysis. This course provides a roadmap to master your bowel routine.
Transform your health with our signature Longevity Coaching Program. This 3-month intensive program offers personalized nutrition plans, expert coaching, and ongoing support tailored for individuals with paralysis. Achieve weight loss, improved bowel management, and enhanced overall well-being with dedicated guidance every step of the way.
Our services are specifically designed for individuals with paralysis, focusing on key areas such as neurogenic bowel management, weight loss, and overall health. Whether you're struggling with digestive issues or losing weight as a wheelchair user, we have the solution for you.
Explore our expert-led masterclasses on topics such as weight loss, UTIs, pressure sores, supplements and more.
Tammy w.
"My bowels used to be a major cause of stress. This program taught me how to eat right so I can be more regular and live independently for many years to come."
couple who completed poop easy course
"My partner has been paralyzed for 20 years. It got to the point where he was in the bathroom from 9 am to 3 pm sometimes.
We missed out on so many things, and he was often late for work. Sitting on the toilet so long was also horrible for his skin. Now my stubborn man is out of the bathroom in less than an hour. I'm so freaking happy we have our lives back!"
Leon h.
It's life-changing! Fatimah saved my life. I am eating so much better, and my health is improving."
"I go every day now, naturally.
I cut my powel program down 1 1/2 hours to just 20 min. Sometimes it only takes 10 min!"
Gareth d.
asa s.
"I went from feeling extremely bloated and only going to the bathroom once or twice a week, to now feeling so much more energetic. And I go to the bathroom every single day!"